
Students against proposed cuts

by Anonymous 29 October 2020, 09:31

Category: University Petition

Voting closed

This student led petition was discussed by our Student Council last Thursday (29/11/20). Following this, our Student Council passed the policy below:

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โ€ข lobby the University to extend the formal consultation period by 1 month for the Student body to conduct a meaningful consultation. The motions passed here are based on a refusal for the requested extension.

โ€ข Reject the proposals as we feel this is a knee-jerk reaction to the current situation and a long-term view is more favourable.

โ€ข Support any Industrial Action which may occur.

Since we lobbied for the release of the proposed changes to the student body a couple of weeks ago, we have been working tirelessly to ensure that you, our students, are able to effectively input into and question these proposals. Our plan is to produce a report that outlines the Student response to the proposed Changes and present this to the University executive.

We have held numerous feedback sessions with Course Representatives from varying Schools, heard from our Student Councillors and received numerous feedback both verbally and electronically from the wider student body. All of this feedback will be used to inform our report. We have also formally asked for and received an extension to the consultation period and will be pushing for a further extension following the passing of policy at Student Council.

We want to reassure you, that as your Student Representatives, we will vigorously continue to ensure that you are able to feed into and influence the proposed changes, thoroughly scrutinising the University on any changes which will negatively impact the Student experience. This will be through continued conversations we have with the University Executive and via the report we produce.

We still want your feedback, and you can find more information, watch video summaries, and read about all of the proposals on our website here

Henry, Katie, James and Iwan

Undeb Bangor Sabbatical Officer Team





Students call upon the student union to present a vote of no confidence to the executive council and to reject the proposals of teaching and support cuts.

Please sign our petition, we are not paying 9k a year for cuts to our education and student services.

Read more here:

Follow our twitter page too:


  • Default avatar
    Deleted User   wrote, 29-10-2020 - 13:03

    Excellent petition.

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    Deleted User   wrote, 29-10-2020 - 13:05

    Thanks for creating this!!

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    Diane Highton   wrote, 29-10-2020 - 13:06

    Quite right too. Some exemplary teaching at Bangor

  • Default avatar
    Deleted User   wrote, 29-10-2020 - 14:06

    I fully support this petition!

  • Default avatar
    Deleted User   wrote, 29-10-2020 - 14:19

    Definitely! Great petition!

  • Default avatar
    Deleted User   wrote, 29-10-2020 - 14:26

    I fully support this petition!

  • Default avatar
    Deleted User   wrote, 29-10-2020 - 14:55

    I completely agree. As an international student, I'm paying twice as much of tuition fees; I fully back this petition.

  • Default avatar
    Deleted User   wrote, 29-10-2020 - 15:14

    Totally behind this! The consequences of the administration's financial failures should not fall onto the academic staff and students

  • Default avatar
    Deleted User   wrote, 29-10-2020 - 15:55

    Fully backed and signed

  • Default avatar
    Deleted User   wrote, 29-10-2020 - 15:57

    As an international student I support this!

  • Default avatar
    Deleted User   wrote, 29-10-2020 - 16:09

    Fully backed and signed

  • Default avatar
    Deleted User   wrote, 29-10-2020 - 16:12


  • Default avatar
    Deleted User   wrote, 29-10-2020 - 16:29

    Teaching at Bangor is still top-tier, but it wonโ€™t continue to be if the university keeps making cuts. How are lecturers supposed to teach effectively with the stress that their job might be the next to go?

  • Default avatar
    Deleted User   wrote, 29-10-2020 - 16:34

    Full support to lecturers

  • Default avatar
    Deleted User   wrote, 29-10-2020 - 16:52

    I think that the aspect of cuts is already having an adverse impact on teaching and support. As a researcher, I rely on the library team. There are plans for an upset of the library that supports the schools.

  • Default avatar
    Deleted User   wrote, 29-10-2020 - 18:49

    Thank you for all your time on this, I am fully onboard.

  • Default avatar
    Deleted User   wrote, 29-10-2020 - 19:09

    Completely behind this. Thank you for creating this!

  • Default avatar
    Deleted User   wrote, 29-10-2020 - 19:44

    Thanks for that. I am looking something like that

  • Default avatar
    Deleted User   wrote, 29-10-2020 - 23:07

    Thank you. I completely support this.

  • Default avatar
    Deleted User   wrote, 30-10-2020 - 02:03

    Thank you.I completely support this.

  • Default avatar
    Deleted User   wrote, 30-10-2020 - 12:10

    I disagree with some of the points you make. I think any cuts regarding student services need to be seriously considered and inclusive of the students thoughts before anything is finalised, however the university, like all others in this country, are in a really tricky financial situation so there has to be a reduction of some services to retain a high standard of education. Regarding the refund of fees, I don't think it would be worth it. Personally, I'd prefer the uni keep my ยฃ9000 and do something with it, rather than causing more cuts and job losses because there's even less money. I know the situation isn't ideal, but the uni has the student's interest in mind, and a lot of the pressure to make cuts is coming from the government, rather than the uni itself.

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    Deleted User   wrote, 30-10-2020 - 13:00

    wedi'i neud, diolch yn fawr

  • Default avatar
    Deleted User   wrote, 30-10-2020 - 13:06

    I agree with all the above

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    Deleted User   wrote, 30-10-2020 - 14:06

    The refund of the fees isn't necessary as long as the job losses can be avoided. It is really detrimental to everyone to do this in the middle of the year, and it is unfair to both students and staff to do this at all.

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    Deleted User   wrote, 31-10-2020 - 20:17

    I think we need more academic staff, not fewer. We should be aiming to increase Bangorโ€™s profile and make it one of the best universities in the UK. It has such a rich cultural tradition and so much potential. Why not aim for the stars? Itโ€™s one way of getting to the moon. Dwiโ€™n credu mai MWY o staff academaidd sydd ei angen ar y Brifysgol, nid llai. Fe ddylid hyrwyddo Bangor fel lle i astudio aโ€™i wneud yn un o brifysgolion gorau y DU. Fe ewch chi ymhell, gyfeillion, dim ond i chi anelu am y sรชr.

  • Default avatar
    Deleted User   wrote, 31-10-2020 - 20:40

    Am ymgyrch wych! Mae fy nghefnogaeth i'n gyfan gwbl y tu รดl i chi. Diolch yn fawr!

  • Default avatar
    Deleted User   wrote, 02-11-2020 - 17:16

    Cytuno 100% hefo'r ddeiseb hon. Siomedig iawn fod adran y Gymraeg yn cael ei effeithio, yn ogystal a'r gweddill. Mae'r iaith angen ei hybu, yn enwedig heddiw - nid ei danseilio fel hyn. Mae meddwl yn ogystal na fyddai Llenyddiaeth yn cael ei ddysgu o fewn y pwnc petai'r cynlluniau newydd yn mynd yn ei flaen yn siomedig iawn. Mae staff, a chyfleusterau adran y Gymraeg ym Mangor mor dda, ac mi fydd hyn yn golled mawr i ni gyd.

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