Afonydd Menai Volunteering 2024/25

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Find out what we're up to on our Instagram @bangorvoles - click here for our instagram!


Afonydd Menai is an external project funded by the Menter Môn organisation. The main objective of the Afonydd Menai (Menai Rivers) project is to protect the water voles from a non-native predator - the mink. We can't help the water voles unless we know where they are, we also can't stop the mink unless we know where they are. One way we find out where they are is using water monitoring rafts, these are floating tunnels placed on the water with wet clay on the inside where an animal leaves its tracks for us to identify. We will train you in monitoring these rafts. If we identify signs of water vole, then we take the next steps in protecting the area and conserving them. We will train you in identifying signs of different mammals such as water vole and mink. If we suspect any signs of mink, we will setup a camera trap to confirm any suspicions, Afonydd Menai will then take the next steps. We will run camera trap sessions where we teach you how to use camera traps. We will also run surveys to identify signs of otters, water voles, field voles and other small mammals all in the aim of gathering more data and to put your field sign identifying skills to practice.

This is a brief description of some of the things we get up to and what we can teach you but there will be more related training events that come up during the year. Please feel free to join our group and come along to our sessions! Volunteer enough hours with us and receive a free project fleece!


Project allanol a ariennir gan fudiad Menter Môn yw Afonydd Menai. Prif amcan project Afonydd Menai yw gwarchod llygod y dŵr rhag y creadur ysglyfaethus anfrodorol hwnnw - y minc. I helpu llygod y dŵr rhaid gwybod ble maent, ac allwn ni ddim atal mincod chwaith oni bai ein bod yn gwybod ble maent. I ddarganfod ble maen nhw gallwn ddefnyddio rafftiau monitro dŵr, sef twneli sy’n arnofio ar wyneb y dŵr a chlai gwlyb y tu mewn iddynt ac mae’r anifeiliaid yn gadael olion eu traed i ni eu hadnabod. Byddwn yn eich hyfforddi i fonitro'r rafftiau. Os byddwn yn canfod arwyddion o lygod y dŵr, byddwn yn cymryd y camau nesaf i ddiogelu’r ardal a’u gwarchod. Byddwn yn eich hyfforddi i adnabod arwyddion o famaliaid gwahanol fel llygod y dŵr a mincod. Os credwn fod arwyddion o’r minc, byddwn yn gosod trap camera i gadarnhau unrhyw amheuon, ac yna bydd Afonydd Menai yn cymryd y camau nesaf. Byddwn yn cynnal sesiynau gyda thrapiau camera lle byddwn yn eich dysgu sut mae defnyddio trapiau camera. Byddwn yn cynnal arolygon hefyd i nodi arwyddion o ddyfrgwn, llygod y dŵr, llygod y gwair a mamaliaid bach eraill gyda’r nod o gasglu mwy o ddata ac i ddefnyddio’r sgiliau sydd gennych i adnabod arwyddion y maes.

Crynodeb sydd yma o rai o'r pethau rydyn ni'n eu gwneud a'r hyn y gallwn ni ei ddysgu i chi. Caiff mwy o ddigwyddiadau hyfforddi eraill eu cynnal yn ystod y flwyddyn. Mae croeso i chi ymuno â'r grŵp a dod i'r sesiynau!

Additional information Hide[-]

Required Role

Afonydd Menai Volunteering 2024/25

Key responsibilities

- Identifying wildlife tracks and signs - Camera trapping - Training/events

Mandatory SkillsHide[-]

  • Listening
  • Non-discriminatory
  • Non-judgemental
  • Positive attitude
  • Practical
  • Team Work

Desirable Skills

  • Initiative
  • Non-discriminatory
  • Non-judgemental
  • Positive attitude
  • Practical
  • Project Management
  • Research
  • Team Work

Skill to gain

  • Communication
  • Confidence
  • Initiative
  • Planning and organising
  • Positive attitude
  • Practical
  • Problem solving
  • Project Management
  • Public Speaking
  • Research
  • Team Work
  • Networking

When can you do this role/Calendar

Minimum commitment level: Once a month

Start Date: 01-07-2024

  2. Monday
  3. Tuesday
  4. Wednesday
  5. Thursday
  6. Friday
  7. Saturday
  8. Sunday
  2. MORNING monday
  3. MORNING tuesday
  4. MORNING wednesday
  5. MORNING thursday
  6. MORNING friday
  7. MORNING saturday
  8. MORNING sunday
  2. AFTERNOON monday
  3. AFTERNOON tuesday
  4. AFTERNOON wednesday
  5. AFTERNOON thursday
  6. AFTERNOON friday
  7. AFTERNOON saturday
  8. AFTERNOON sunday
  2. EVENING monday
  3. EVENING tuesday
  4. EVENING wednesday
  5. EVENING thursday
  6. EVENING friday
  7. EVENING saturday
  8. EVENING sunday

To one-click apply for this opportunity you need to have completed the following:

  • You need to have an active account on this website
  • You need to have an active volunteering account
  • You need to have fully completed the volunteering profile set-up