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- Sabb Elections
The Undeb Bangor Sabbatical Officer Elections are governed by Bye-Law 7 – Elections, of the Undeb Bangor Constitution (which can be viewed here- www.UndebBangor.com/governancedocuments) and by the rules and regulations set out below, as approved by the Undeb Bangor Trustee Board and Elections Committee.
Breaking any of these rules may result in sanctions being placed on a candidate, campaigner, or campaign.
A candidate is only entered into the election when they have successfully attained the following criteria:
All candidates must attend the candidate briefing.
Candidates who do not attend the candidate briefing will not be permitted to stand in the elections.
If any candidate is unable to attend the candidate briefing, the process will be:
To be entered into the election, candidates must have received a verbal candidate briefing within 4 working days of the initial timetabled candidate briefing. This includes those who may have submitted special circumstances in line with the above. Only in exceptional circumstances, and at the discretion of the Deputy Returning Officer, will candidates be allowed to stand in the election if the above have not been met.
To run with a manifesto, candidates must submit their manifesto in Welsh or English by the deadline in the elections timetable.
Manifesto text limits are;
Candidates and campaigners who through their involvement with, or who hold (or have held) positions of responsibility within Undeb Bangor may not use resources available to them and not to other students. This includes Undeb Bangor purchased equipment and clothing, any central Undeb Bangor mailing lists and official Undeb Bangor social media groups. This list is not exhaustive but does not include any individual club or society held social media accounts.
Campaigners may only use mailing lists where it is lawful to do so. In most cases this will require explicit consent of the members on the list to use their details.
Candidates are responsible for all campaign activity carried out in their name; this includes the actions of third parties on their behalf.
Candidates and/ or their campaigners must not actively campaign until the official start of the campaigning period.
Prior to the start of campaigning, campaign teams are permitted to use Facebook, WhatsApp or other social media groups to plan and organise internally, but these groups should be closed, private and limited to the core campaign team.
Candidates and campaigners may not:
Candidates and campaigners must:
Candidates have a spending limit, which may not be exceeded or increased.
Spending limits are the following
Everything used in the election is given a cash value by the Returning Officer, or their nominated Deputy (excluding items listed in Section5.1 below). For clarity, this rule applies to ‘campaign gifts’ which may have cost you nothing but hold a ‘real world’ cash value.
All resources and methods that you use in your election campaign that could be given a monetary value should be available to all of the other candidates. It is the responsibility of the candidate to check this before using them with the Deputy Returning Officer.
No candidate may be sponsored by an external company or body.
The following items for example are readily available to all candidates and their supporters and so their fair use does not carry a cash value:
Sabbatical officer Elections
Social Networking
Other social media
Elections Videos
Candidates are permitted to produce and/or purchase other publicity and campaign material in line with the rules set out under elections spending.
Your manifesto text and ALL of the text for your publicity and campaign material (posters / leaflets / flyers / banners / t-shirts etc,…) must be handed in with your nomination by the publicity deadline
Your text will be translated, checked and returned to you. It is your responsibility to ensure that you give Welsh and English equal prominence on your publicity and campaign material. For consistency we recommend that Welsh is to the left or above the English. Examples of previous election publicity exist on the Undeb Bangor website to help guide you.
The translation limit for publicity prepared before the start of campaigning is:
Sabbatical Officer Elections
Following the translation of all of the publicity received by the deadline candidates may submit further designs or text for translation if they so wish but should allow the translation unit a reasonable amount of time to carry out the work. Delivery of this translation cannot be guaranteed, although all efforts will be made.
Incumbent candidates must not campaign when on work time and must take annual leave for any form of active campaigning. This includes any campaigning on online platforms and social media.
A timetable must be submitted to the Deputy Returning Officer detailing work time and campaign time. This must also include evenings. This must be submitted prior to campaign activity and not in retrospect. A template will be provided to candidates to fill in.
Undeb branded clothing cannot be worn when campaigning.
Undeb social media accounts, for example, Sabbatical Officer Facebook accounts or pages, cannot be used for campaigning or promotion of elections.
Undeb mailing lists cannot be used for campaign purposes.
When visiting groups to campaign, it must be clear that incumbent candidates are not in attendance on Students’ Union business, in their Sabbatical Officer role. This must be detailed on timetabled campaigning time.
Students’ Union resources must not be used to aid campaigning.
All complaints made about candidates, campaigners, election officials or the voting process should be submitted using the official Elections Complaint Form, by e-mail, to the Deputy Returning Officer. Only complaints submitted using the official Elections Complaint Form will be considered. The complaint must be factual, contain clear evidence of a breach of the rules and highlight the election rule that has been broken.
In the first instance the Deputy Returning Officer will consider a complaint and make a ruling within 24 hours. If it is a deemed to be a serious matter the Deputy Returning Officer may refer it immediately to the Returning Officer for consideration.
Complaints regarding the conduct of the Deputy Returning Officer should be made in writing directly to the Returning Officer.
Complaints must be submitted before the election count has taken place. Only complaints about the process of the count itself will be considered once the count has started, and these must be submitted within 24 hours of the results being declared.
The sanctions available to the Deputy Returning Officer are:
In addition to all of the above sanctions, the following are available to the Returning Officer:
Candidates may appeal against decisions made by the Deputy by submitting their appeal in writing, by e-mail to elections@undebbangor.com, within 24 hours of the decision being made, following the appeal procedure detailed below:
A review of the procedures followed at the complaint stage
A consideration of whether the outcome was reasonable in all the circumstances
New material evidence which the student was unable, for valid reasons, to provide earlier in the process.
Any e-mail communication to the Returning or Deputy Returning Officer will be acknowledged via e-mail return within 24 hours, if this is not received please do not assume that we have received it - contact 01248 388000 to check.